Mainframe Rehosting
Optimum Software Solutions in partnership with Tmaxsoft provides OpenFrame, a mainframe rehosting solution for a broad range of corporate and government organizations. Rehosting enables the legacy system within a mainframe environment to be moved to a more modern open system platform. This consists of hardware and system replacement, solution replacement, and application/data migration.
OpenFrame is a proven path and we have a successful track record in rehosting the Mainframes to Open Systems. This approach is a low-risk alternative to multi-year re-engineering effort. Openframe is implemented as a "Lift & Shift" approach, doing so will naturally protect existing precious business logic. Openframe can accommodate years of growth (scalable to over 100K MIPS). As the implementation is quick it ensures fastest return on investment. Best part is the end-user will have no change in user-experience.
With distributed OpenFrame implementation comes advantages like low cost maintanence, improved performance, high avaliablility and scalability. The idea of rehosting a legacy mainframe system to OpenFrame distributed rehosting system will enable organizations to tap into many technological advancements which are otherwise restricted when using legacy mainframes.