Commitment to Quality
Optimum's continued success - and that of our clients - requires that we be committed to quality solutions as measured by our clients and their stakeholders and users. Additionally, we are committed to independent appraisals and certifications to ensure our commitment to ever maturing industry best practices.
ISO Certifications
Optimum is ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management), ISO 20000-1-2011 (IT Service Management) and 27001:2005 (Information Security Management) certified.

ISO 9001:2015
Certified Quality Management System (QMS)
Certified to the ISO 9001 standard, Optimum’s Quality Management System has demonstrated industry-leading practices in consistently delivering services and products that exceed customer requirements, assuring conformity to requirements and specifications, building in measures for continual process improvement, and improving customer satisfaction.

ISO 20000-1:2011
Certified Information Technology Service Management System (ITSM)
Certified to the ISO 20000 standard, Optimum’s Information Technology Service Management System has demonstrated industry-leading practices in planning, establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, and maintaining business and customer requirements for its IT systems. Optimum has further established the capability to design, transition, and deliver improvements of these systems to satisfy service requirements of our customers.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Certified Information Security Management System (ISMS)
Certified to the ISO 20000 standard, Optimum’s Information Technology Service Management System has demonstrated industry-leading practices in planning, establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, and maintaining business and customer requirements for its IT systems. Optimum has further established the capability to design, transition, and deliver improvements of these systems to satisfy service requirements of our customers.